Yesterday i was really ready to loose my cool with a few people. Sorry you buy cheap, you get cheap-simple. That was the theme yesterday. I swear. Some people like cheap-hell i like bargains-but i donapos;t like cheaply made. Therefore i will not buy it and donapos;t see why others insist on buying this horrible CRAP. This is why i donapos;t shop for clothes at walmart-people who have known me for oh...31 years should know this. Hell people whoapos;ve known me for 2 years know better. Spend a little extra and get something nice. And never ever think that crap retains value. If it was crap when you bought it, guess what? itapos;s still crap, just used. Donapos;t get pissy with me if i donapos;t agree with the cheapness. You like it, thatapos;s fine, i DONapos;T.
then the ruler of all things cheap threw a curveball at me, completely blowing me out of the water with generosity.
we used to have a store here called apos;playtogsapos;. It was beyond being a hole. Like crap that fell off a truck in the 60apos;s was still being sold there in the 80apos;s. We locals still refer to super cheap people or major white trash as apos;playtogs shoppersapos;.
iapos;m going to start refering some doll people are apos;playtogs shoppersapos;. My gawd. Nate could do a better face up on some of these dolls in the marketplace. Yet they still think they can get $200 for a head. Um no...$30 for a used wig that costs $25 from the store? um...no...iapos;m sorry, but shipping costs when you buy something are a loss. Deal. You are not going to be able to get that back on a resale.�and the paypal fees thing erks me. You CANapos;T�DO�THAT. I can see running a group order or doing a split-itapos;s courtesy to give the runner the fees so they donapos;t miss out. Yes, thatapos;s standard. But to put a price then say apos;+paypal feesapos; is just rude.
plus sales with doll friends-iapos;ve been more than generous over the years. But itapos;s not always the same when iapos;m the one in need. I cut friends deals, does that courtesy carry over to me? nope. Only�2 people have ever returned the favor. Others donapos;t seem to remember what iapos;ve done for them. Some donapos;t even give me as much as a apos;thank youapos;. Makes me feel all warm and squishy inside
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